

Hello Everyone!

It has been a while since I have sat down to write, life gets busy as we all know.

I wanted to come give a little update and let you all know Kaits Kreates is still here! The last you heard from me was in October 2019 and boy has life changed since then!

I graduated from college with a Bachelors degree in Psychology with a minor in Communication. And I am now working on obtaining my second degree.

I started an Etsy shop! I make Disney ears, paint denim attire, shoes, and wood rounds. So far I have made season inspired ears and they are so fun! I make items to order and have fun doing custom designs.

In December, I got married at Timberline Lodge surrounded by our closest friends and family. The night was spent dancing and drinking beer. We were so blessed with the support and love that surrounded us on our special day! We spent our first day married snowboarding with some pals and exploring the mountain, and let me tell you it was cold!! But our adventures have only continued since then!

Later that month we made a big move, after living in Oregon for about four years (my husband living there his whole life) we moved to California. We explored Los Angeles and had some fun at Disneyland to bring in the new year. We have both been working on setting up our careers and doing some schooling to get there.

Exploring in Venice, California

We moved here to California and started to get our feet under us, both had jobs we were enjoying and progressing in….then COVID-19 hit. I’m not going to lie, it has been tough but we have been so blessed to be in the situation we are in. I lost my job as a teacher, being that schools shut down, but my husband has (thankfully but also kinda scary) continued to work as an essential employee. Luckily, our situation allows us to be on one income for the time being.

We have been doing a lot of home projects, fishing, and hiking when we can. With the extra time together we have loved getting out to enjoy nature as much as possible and safely. We love that we now have the beach as our backyard (even though it is closed for now) the salty air and mountain trees have been treating us well!

Staying at home has been hard for me mentally and emotionally though (I may do a post regarding this later on, let me know if you would be interested in hearing how I have been managing that). But it has been so nice to spend time doing projects I haven’t had the time to get to.

Overall, we am doing really well. We are safe. We are healthy. I am loved and loving those around me. I hope you are all staying healthy and enjoying this time. I am looking forward to writing more for Maits, I have a few posts planned out so you will be hearing from me soon!

Stay healthy. Stay positive. Enjoy the little joys this time can bring.

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